Piston engine problem Brisbane - BURNT OUT
Pistons are generally produced from High quality aluminium alloy containing small and varied
amounts of copper, magnesium, nickel, titanium and lead depending the intended use of the
piston. These high grade alloys are very durable and under normal combustion temperatures and
engine loads the pistons will perform correctly for many kilometres. Being a soft metal once the
piston is subject to extreme abnormal combustion temperatures the resultant damage to the
piston crown will appear as if it was melted with a blow torch.(as in the photo above)
The piston will suffer without damage to a point but once the material starts to burn away the
already abnormal extreme temperatures will quickly rise being increased rapidly by the actual
combustion of the piston material. Overloading an engine coupled with poor cooling, over
advanced ignition timing, lean petrol mixtures, incorrect spark plugs, extreme vacuum leaks and
over boosted turbo's can create a situation where the pistons starts to melt down and self
combust. Once this action happens the problem turns quickly terminal destroying the engine.
Diesel engines suffer from similar failures caused by super heated combustion. The primary
causes in a diesel is slightly different as faulty injector pump, timing and injectors presenting a rich
mixture will generate extreme combustion temperatures that can result in piston burn out. ( petrol
Lean mixtures and Diesel rich mixtures)
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UMR Engines
Piston Crown Burnt
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