Piston engine problem Brisbane- SKIRT SEIZURE OR PICK UP
Seized piston skirt is the most common engine problem that is evident when an engine is severely
overheated, when the engine suffers a lubrication problem or the engine has a piston to bore
clearance problem. Engine blocks are bored and honed to a specific size that the manufacturer of
the piston designs to run quietly without piston slap when cold yet still maintains enough minimum
clearance when at operating temperature to eliminate piston to bore seizures. Any changes in the
normal lubrication qualities, abnormal loads, abnormal combustion temperatures and higher than
normal coolant temperatures will subject the piston to possible seizure or partial seizure.
The seizures can be identified into 3 main types of failures, four point pick up. centre point pick up
and full skirt pick up. "Four point pick up" often occurs as a result of insufficient nominal piston
to bore clearance after a rebore. Unfortunately a piston that may be running the recommended
minimum piston to bore may suffer 4 point scuffing simply because the engine was subject to
abnormal conditions. Over loading or changes to ignition timing, increased combustion
temperatures and cooling system failures can be some of these abnormal conditions.
"Centre skirt scuffing" ,usually more evident on the thrust side of the piston is usually the result
of lubrication problems, incorrect engine oil, engine running moderately over temperature or dry
assembly or start up.
"Complete skirt seizure" is usually a result of driver fault. What happens commonly is that an
engine suffers from any of the above causes and the driver feels a loss of power from the engine
but continues to add more throttle as the vehicle slows down.. This extended and increased load
takes the already minor piston pick up to the next level of complete seizure. This is where the
piston and bore transfer material across to each component until complete seizure stops the
engine running. Often severe damage occurs to other components and the heat generated can
even transfer through the block and melt even external components like coils, leads, carburettors
and any plastic component bolted to the engine.
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UMR Engines
Centre skirt scuffing
4 point scuffing
Full skirt scuffing
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